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News Archive

Image Title Published
Ann Nelson, backpacking Mentor, Advocate & Leader in the Field September 15, 2019
lukaszfidkowski_headshot Breakthrough Foundation honors UW researcher studying ‘exotic’ states of matter September 10, 2019
KaiMeiFuPortrait Q&A: Defects Wanted; Apply Here (Kai-Mei Fu Interview with APS Physics) September 6, 2019
ArtsUW Roundup: Creating Alternative Worlds, Bulrusher, Final Week of James Coupe: Exercises in Passivity and more! August 16, 2019
Night skies of August hold wonders August 7, 2019
Ann Nelson Portrait Tragic death of Professor Ann Nelson August 6, 2019
A physics student wears an immersive headset to attempt a physics experiment in virtual reality. Virtually Physics August 5, 2019
nanoarpes.png First-ever visualizations of electrical gating effects on electronic structure could lead to longer-lasting devices July 17, 2019
Jiun-Haw Chu Portrait Jiun-Haw Chu & other UW professors to receive 2019 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers July 10, 2019
Climate change expert named 2019 ASLD June 6, 2019
Two UW students honored by Goldwater Foundation May 7, 2019
DavidThoulessPortrait David Thouless — Nobel laureate and UW professor emeritus — dies at age 84 April 11, 2019
RubyByrne Piecing together the cosmic dawn March 29, 2019
DavidWineland UW, Microsoft, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory establish new Northwest Quantum Nexus March 21, 2019
ProtonRadius.png Synopsis: Putting the Proton Radius in Its Proper Place March 12, 2019
FASER detector at the Large Hadron Collider to seek clues about hidden matter in the universe March 8, 2019
kimsiangkhaw Kim Siang Khaw: a “free thinker” March 7, 2019
Faser tunnel picture FASER detector at the Large Hadron Collider to seek clues about hidden matter in the universe March 6, 2019
exciton_lattice Physicists stack 2D materials at angles to trap particles on the nanoscale February 26, 2019
CUWIP Group Phto UW Physics welcomed over 160 undergraduates from the Pacific Northwest to the APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics January 31, 2019
Metalens Prototypes Scientists engineer a functional optical lens out of 2D materials November 15, 2018
CUWiP Fundraiser Help UW Physics support Undergraduate Women November 9, 2018
Jiun-Haw Chu UW Profile UW physicist Jiun-Haw Chu named Packard Fellow for research on quantum materials November 6, 2018
UW physicist named Packard Fellow October 26, 2018
mvimg_20180725_121626.jpg Zohreh Davoudi wins 2018 Wilson Prize September 27, 2018

