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Advising & Student Services

Physics is a “capacity constrained” major, entrance into the Physics major is by application. Please see our Admissions page for additional information.

Our Undergraduate Advising Team (, which includes Jeanny Mai and Brenna Mulvany, is available to help with academic and career planning, and answer questions and concerns of undergraduates, alumni and prospective students. They can assist with registration holds, distribution of major course add codes, application to major questions, or applying for graduation.

Winter 2025: January 6 – March 21, 2025

Advising Hours & Info for your Visit

Attend in-person by coming to our offices in PAB room C139 or complete the DROP-IN ZOOM SIGNUP to receive the zoom link--both types of visits are welcome during the posted hours below:

Mon & Tues: 1:30-3:00pm
Weds, Thurs, Fri: 9:30-11:30am

* Hours subject to change; see below for office closures and/or revised drop-in hours.
February 5, 2025: No advising available
February 12, 2025: Drop in hours will be 10-11:30am.
February 17, 2025: University holiday. No advising available.
February 28, 2025: No advising available.

If you need a longer appointment with an advisor (approx 20-30 minutes) please schedule an appointment online.

Advising Appointment Signup

Visitors need to sign-in using their UW NetID (
Download the Standard UW Zoom desktop at:

Jade Cox ( is the Introductory Sequence Program Coordinator. Contact Jade with questions about the physics introductory sequence and assist with registration for Phys 11x and 12x courses. For additional information, see the Introductory courses page:

Physics introductory classes have course cancellations in effect. If your pre-requisites are not in the UW registration system by the cancellation date (due to delay in processing AP scores, credits transferred from a community college, etc.), you may be dropped from your course. Email for assistance with registration to avoid being dropped.

Prof. Blinov (Undergraduate Faculty Advisor, UFA) are available at  To schedule an advising appointment with Prof. Blinov, please sign up at UNDERGRADUATE FACULTY advising

A Zoom invitation will be emailed to you. Please email if you have been waiting more than 15 minutes.

Prof. Blinov can help you with issues that require faculty input or perspective. Please contact him to attempt a course for a third time, register for graduate courses, requesting a course substitution of a physics degree requirement, reviewing 200 level transfer credits or Study Abroad equivalency to UW Physics courses.

Catherine Provost (Graduate Academic Counselor) meets with undergraduates by appointment via  We recommend that undergraduates considering graduate study consult with Catherine early on in their undergraduate experience.   She also provides graduate course add codes to undergraduates who have instructor and UFA approval.

Physics Astronomy Building C139 (campus map)
Phone: 206-685-1832
