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Administrative Contacts

Physics Department Administrative Office

Room C-121, Physics-Astronomy Building (PAB)
Box 351560
Phone:  206-543-2771
Fax:  206-685-0635

Summer Hours:  Monday - Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - NOON
Normal Hours:  Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm

Closed Daily for Lunch 12:00-1:00pm

Student Services

Director of Academic Services / Graduate Advisor – Catherine Provost
Undergraduate Faculty Advisor - Boris Blinov
Undergraduate Program Advisor – Brenna Mulvany
Undergraduate Program Advisor – Jeanny Mai
PHYS 11x & 12x Program Support – Jade Cox


Budgets – Michael Kummer

Equipment Inventory – Huimei Wu
Equipment Surplus – Huimei Wu
Grants Management –  Andrew Sattler
Grants (A3D3, Hsu) - Menglu Zhang
Grants (CENPA) - see
Grants (Department) - Ashley Jang
Grants (InQubator for Quantum Simulation) - Katie Hennessey
Grants (Proposals, Projections) - Jessica McDermott
Grant Budget Reconciliations - Sandy Chudler
Procurement Card (ProCard) - Lina Nguyen
Purchasing – Huimei Wu
Technical Service Center Invoices - Sandy Chudler
Travel – Huimei Wu

Payroll (Paychecks, Time Sheets)

Payroll Coordinator - Cheree White

Staff and Faculty Appointments

Assistant to the Chair – Alison Alcoba
