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Frontiers in Nuclear Theory Colloquium: "Physics with EIC"

Anna Stasto, Pennsylvania State University
Tuesday, June 15, 2021 - 10:30am

The Electron Ion Collider (EIC) project is a proposal of a new facility in the United States which will be capable of colliding electrons with nuclei at high energies. High luminosities will allow to probe nucleon and nuclei structure with unprecedented precision.

Moreover, EIC will have capabilities of the collisions with polarized beams, which will allow to access the spatial and spin structure of protons and light nuclei. Recently, a comprehensive study was released, EIC Yellow Report, which was focused on the evaluation of the physics capabilities and detector requirements for the EIC. In this presentation I will discuss the importance of the deep inelastic lepton-hadron and nuclei scattering in the context of high energy physics and describe the selected aspects of the physics program at the EIC.

Zoom link will be available via announcement email, or by contacting: ikolbe[at]


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