- Nathan Hale High 10 student led by Karl Englert,
- Kelso High 4 student - Rose Emanuel
Volunteer Assistants:
- Alex Hostiuc
- Physics and Astronomy Building B128 & B110
- Transportation: When you enter the campus at Gate 5, near 15th Ave and 40th Street, pull up to the kiosk and ask for parking close to Physics and Astoronmy building. After paying, they should direct you to lots C1 and C8, both of which are fairly close to the buildings. For complete details on UW parking, see the parking info page.
8:30am regsitration9:00am safety/introduction9:15am mentor presentation (Hsu)9:30am Analysis introduction (Alex)10:00am Analysis hands-on12:00pm pizza lunch in PAB B1141:00pm Discussion (Hsu)1:45pm Video conference (student representative)2:30pm Summary
Reuqired computing
- Each person needs to bring his/her own laptop to UW.
- Student pairs can also work in a single laptop but probably find it easier using two laptops.