- Tesla STEM High School 22 students led by Peter Sexby <PSaxby@lwsd.org>
- Interlake High 6 students led by Carl Ton <carlton@seanet.com>
- Nathan Hale High 6 student led by Karl Englert, Zoë Bell <elementalzoe@gmail.com> and Philip Bell <pbell@u.washington.edu>
- Issaquah High 1 student - Romil Sirohi <romil@thesirohis.com>
- Shih-Chieh Hsu <schsu@uw.edu) (mentor)
- Xinhe Ding <dingx3@uw.edu>
Sowmya, sowmyadjram@gmail.com
- Nicholas Dreyer <gurfler@q.com>
- Daniel Blackburn <danielrb@uw.edu>
- William Johnson <bromayn@uw.edu>
- Physics and Astronomy Building B128 & B110
- Transportation: When you enter the campus at Gate 5, near 15th Ave and 40th Street, pull up to the kiosk and ask for parking close to Physics and Astoronmy building. After paying, they should direct you to lots C1 and C8, both of which are fairly close to the buildings. For complete details on UW parking, see the parking info page.
8:30am regsitration9:00am safety/introduction9:15am mentor presentation (Hsu)9:30am Analysis introduction (William/Daniel)10:00am Analysis hands-on12:00pm pizza lunch in PAB B1141:00pm Discussion (Hsu)1:45pm Video conference (student representative)2:30pm Summary
Useful Information
Preparation before coming to the workshop:
Before you come to the workshop, please read following materials. It can give you basic knowledge of the workshop:
Dataset (login/passwd for data download is ippog/mc13):
- http://cernmasterclass.uio.no/datasets/allSets/dir01
- http://cernmasterclass.uio.no/datasets/allSets/dir02
(The login/password for data download is ippog/mc13 if needed)
Asssignment for each center is described here. Download (A,B,C, etc) for the number of student groups that will be on site. (Don't use practice; for any teacher practice, use the 299154 Indico page download data buttoin).
Tips of the Analysis:
Here is the PowerPoint Slides to the students in the morning of Masterclass:
- Data Analysis slides: https://quarknet.i2u2.org/sites/default/files/atlasanalysis2015_v0.ppt
- Cheat Sheet: http://leptoquark.hep.nd.edu/~kcecire/mclib/files2014/atlas_cheat_z_v0.doc .
- How to distinguish the various events: http://cernmasterclass.uio.no/2014/material/Zpath2014-SignalEvents.pdf
The heart of the masterclass is the student analysis which takes 60-90 min. There should be 2 students at each computer, cooperating to get their data measured. Mentors, tutors, and teachers should circulate to help the students analyze the events and work out any problems they have. Don't give them answers. Help them figure things out and learn to see data as scientist does. Remind them that each event is a candidate Z, Higgs, or something else - not a definitively identified particle.
Sharing results
Students will need to upload to OPlot. Under FILE, Export Invariant Mass.
- in OPloT, choose site and assigned group, and on far right of window, “Upload Your File” by browsing to where it was saved, choosing, and “Submit."
This takes a little over one hour. Both parts are important.
Discussion (30-45 min):
- Mentor leads, students interact
- Look at combined mass plots for your institute in OPloT: dilepton, 4-lepton, diphoton
- Help students point out peaks, bumps, significance; discuss results.
- Each institute is assigned another institute to question: look at their data as well. Students should form questions and comments.
Videoconference (30-45 min):
- FNAL institutes: connect via the Indico page (VC4 above)
- Someone should log into the videoconference 15 min early to be sure the connection is established.