2018 Proton Smash in Engineering Discovery Days at the UW
- Goal:
- Operate a computer simulator to learn about particle physics and the world’s most powerful proton smasher in the Engineering Discovery Days 2018 at the UW
- Events:
- Working group meeting to be decided
- Special Event Manager
- Contact: Cassie Atkinson-Edwards <cbermel@uw.ed> (Phone: 616-3245)
- Table Volunteers should register ) by April 1st.
- Date: April 19th (Thu), 20th (Fri)
- Time: 8am~2pm
- Location: UW EE commons
- Volunteers:
- Consultant: Prof. Shih-Chieh Hsu
- Coordinators: Winnie Wang <wangw33@uw.edu>
- Photographer:
- Logistics:
- Table Volunteers shift schedule:
Apr 19 (Thu)10:00-12:00
8:00-10:00 -
Apr 20 (Fri)10:00-12:00
12:00-14:00 -
Free lunch and T-shirt with size: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL
- Activities:
- Projector Displays
- Hybrid Pupil's Analysis Tool for Interactions in Atlas (HyPATIA)
- Youtube videos as outlined in the google doc (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14FWXROstznXxvp8hkPtd5MWz_-WfyqtZBJIQ_SFFVa4/)
- CERN Land: table top simulators
- LHC games homepage
- PC: http://www.cernland.net/dls/CERNlandWin.zip
- Mac: http://www.cernland.net/dls/CERNlandOSX.zip
- LHC Game on your Facebook page: http://cernland.net/tools/fbapp.php
- Embed the LHC Game in your web site: <iframe width="810" height="630" src="/%3Ca%20href%3D"http://www.cernland.net/t/superbob.swf">http://www.cernland.net/t/superbob.swf"></iframe>
- Table top particle physics games
- arXiv:1303.2798 Memory of Quark Matter Card Game
- Coloring Sheets from CERNLand for the younger kids
- Hardware Instruments
- Laptops: PACS/Front Desk will support 2 windows laptops and 1 Mac laptop (to be confirmed)
- Table cloth: Already provided by PSC
- Projector: Pacific Science Center (1) + Front Desk (1) as back-up
- Projector screen: Provided by PSC