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Title/Speaker Date and Time Location
INT: "Status of hadronic tensor calculation on the lattice"
Jian Liang, University of Kentucky
Oct 15 2018 - 11:45am PAT C-421
INT: "Pseudo PDF"
Kostas Orginos, William and Mary
Oct 15 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Proton spin and nucleon form factors"
Martha Constantinou, Temple University
Oct 15 2018 - 9:45am PAT C-421
INT: Workshop:  "Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions" Oct 12 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-520
INT: Workshop:  "Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions" Oct 11 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-520
Physics Department: General Exam
Ruby L Byrne (Advisor: Miguel Morales)
Oct 10 2018 - 11:00am PAB C610C
INT: Workshop: "Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions" Oct 10 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-520
Particle Theory: Lightish but clumpy: scalar dark matter from inflationary fluctuations
Gonzalo Alonso Alvarez, Heidelberg
Oct 9 2018 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
INT: Workshop: "Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions"  Oct 9 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-520
Physics Colloquia: 2018 Nobel Prize mini-symposium: "groundbreaking inventions in the field of laser physics"
Qi Zhang, Paul Wiggins and Chip Asbury, University of Washington
Oct 8 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA A-102
INT: Workshop: "Probing Nucleons and Nuclei in High Energy Collisions" Oct 8 2018 - 9:10am PAT C-520
INT: "GPDs from Lattice QCD"
Yong Zhao, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Oct 5 2018 - 10:50am PAT C-421
INT: "Model calculations of Euclidean correlators"
Andreas Metz, Temple University
Oct 5 2018 - 9:40am PAT C-421
INT: "Towards parton distribution functions from Lattice QCD"
Vladimir Braun, University of Regensburg
Oct 5 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Observables for partonic Wigner functions"
Feng Yuan, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Oct 4 2018 - 2:40pm PAT C-423
Physics Department: General Exam
Sheh Lit Chang (Advisor: Peter Shaffer)
Oct 4 2018 - 2:00pm PAT C221
INT: S@INT Seminar: "Neutron star matter constraints from gravitational wave observations"
Jocelyn Read, California State University, Fullerton
Oct 4 2018 - 2:00pm PAT C-421
INT: "GPDs and transverse geometry in pp scattering"
Christian Weiss, Jefferson Lab
Oct 4 2018 - 2:00pm PAT C-423
ABC Physics (Atomic/Bio/Condensed Matter): Low temperature specific heat of superconductors -- A historical perspective
James Ho, Wichita State University (emeritus)
Oct 4 2018 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm PAT C-520
INT: "GPDs of He nuclei: 3D nuclear structure and extraction of neutron GPDs"
Sergio Scopetta, University of Perugia
Oct 4 2018 - 9:40am PAT C-421
INT: "Nuclear shadowing in exclusive processes" (Remote talk)
Vadim Guzey, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute
Oct 4 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Meson production with EIC"
Tanja Horn, Catholic University of America
Oct 3 2018 - 2:00pm PAT C-423
INT: "Heavy quarkonium production in QCD"
Jianwei Qiu, Jefferson Lab
Oct 3 2018 - 10:50am PAT C-421
INT: "GPDs in high-mass photoproduction"
Lech Szymanowski, National Centre for Nuclear Research
Oct 3 2018 - 9:40am PAT C-421
INT: "GPDs from meson-electroproduction and applications"
Peter Kroll, Universitaet Wuppertal
Oct 3 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Color correlations in the nucleon"
Jerry Miller, University of Washington
Oct 2 2018 - 2:40pm PAT C-423
INT: "Wigner functions and nucleon structure"
Barbara Pasquini, Universita' degli Studi di Pavia and INFN
Oct 2 2018 - 2:00pm PAT C-423
INT: "Definition of generalized TMDs" 
Marc Schlegel, New Mexico State University
Oct 2 2018 - 11:20am PAT C-421
INT: "Singularities in twist-3 GPDs and PDFs"
Fatma Aslan, New Mexico State University
Oct 2 2018 - 10:50am PAT C-421
INT: "Twist-3 GPDs and angular momentum" 
Matthias Burkardt, New Mexico State University
Oct 2 2018 - 9:40am PAT C-421
INT: "Form factors of the energy-momentum tensor"
Peter Schweitzer, University of Connecticut
Oct 2 2018 - 9:00am PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: Physics Town Hall meeting
Blayne Heckel
Oct 1 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA A-102
INT: "DVCS and GPD extraction with EIC"
Salvatore Fazio, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Oct 1 2018 - 2:00pm PAT C-423
INT: "Timelike Compton scattering and GPDs" (Remote talk)
Marie Boer, Catholic University of America
Oct 1 2018 - 11:30am PAT C-421
INT: "Status of DVCS experiments and open questions"
Daria Sokhan, University of Glasgow
Oct 1 2018 - 10:50am PAT C-421
INT: "Status & prospects of GPD extraction from DVCS"
Kresimir Kumericki, University of Zagreb
Oct 1 2018 - 9:40am PAT C-421
Physics Department: Final Exam: Quantum Dynamics in Rugged Energy Landscapes, and Other Topics in Disordered Systems
Christopher L Baldwin (Advisor: Christopher Laumann), University of Washington
Sep 28 2018 - 3:00pm PAT C-520
INT: "Anyonic particle-vortex statistics and the nature of dense QCD"
Srimoyee Sen, Institute for Nuclear Theory
Sep 28 2018 - 1:30pm PAT C-421
INT: S@INT Seminar: "Hadronic corrections to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon"
Peter Stoffer; University of California, San Diego
Sep 27 2018 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm PAT C-421
Physics Department: General Exam
Xiayu Linpeng (Advisor: Kai-Mei Fu), University of Washington
Sep 25 2018 - 2:00pm PAB B-109
CENPA: Prospects for laboratory searches for Planck-scale Dark Matter
William Terrano, Technische Universität München, München, Germany
Sep 11 2018 - 3:45pm NPL 178
INT: "Symmetry in Subatomic Physics: In Memory of Ernest Henley" Sep 11 2018 - 9:00am PAA-A114
INT: "Symmetry in Subatomic Physics: In Memory of Ernest Henley" Sep 10 2018 - 9:00am PAA-A114
Soeren Schlichting, University of Washington
Sep 7 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-421
Physics Department: General Exam
William M Holden (Advisor: Gerald Seidler)
Sep 6 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-520
INT: "A generic framework for cluster updates in QMC: Generative neural architectures"
Ermal Rrapaj, University of Guelph
Sep 6 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Two-dimensional fermionic mixtures with dipolar interactions: A quantum Monte Carlo study"
Tommaso Comparin, INO-CNR, Trento
Sep 5 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Unwrapping sign problems in simple field theories"
Michael Wagman, MIT
Sep 5 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Unwrapping sign problems in simple field theories"
Michael Wagman, MIT
Sep 4 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-421
INT: "Perspectives in quantum computation"
Matthias Troyer, Microsoft Research
Aug 31 2018 - 11:00am PAT C-421

