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DM@LHC 2019

Please find Agenda in link, URL in Abstract section
Friday, August 16, 2019 - 9:00am
Kane Hall 225 (Walker-Ames room)
DM@LHC Poster

The 6th Dark Matter @ LHC 2019 workshop takes place from August 13th afternoon to 16th, 2019, and covers experimental and theoretical aspects of collider-based searches for dark matter. The goal of the workshop is to bring together the experimental and theory communities, to review the current status and discuss potential avenues into the future.

Special focus will be given to the complementarity of the results. Questions that we would like to address include: What can the various Beyond the Standard Model searches at the LHC tell us about Dark Matter? What can we learn from the full palette of experimental results from collider and non-collider experiments? How can the searches for Dark Matter evolve in the upcoming years, in the view of the expected experimental upgrades?
In addition, a hands-on and highly interactive parallel session about a common Monte Carlo event generator and analysis framework will be held during the course of the entire workshop.

Workshop page:

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