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Events Archive

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Title/Speaker Date and Time Location
Particle Theory: Three-Body Dynamics from LQCD: Lorentz Invariance of the  Non-Relativistic EFT Approach
Fabian Mueller, University of Bonn
May 2 2023 - 3:00pm PAT C-421
Other Events: QIS in Physics: Solving Wave Equations on Quantum Computers
Stephen Jordan, University of Washington & Microsoft
May 2 2023 - 1:30pm PAT C-421
INT: Revisiting outer radiative corrections for superallowed beta decay with EFT
Ryan Plestid, Caltech
May 2 2023 - 11:00am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
INT: Precision beta decays in Effective Field Theory
Emanuele Mereghetti, Los Alamos National Lab
May 2 2023 - 9:30am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
Physics Colloquia: From quarks to nuclei: computing the Standard Model
Phiala Shanahan, MIT
May 1 2023 - 4:00pm PAA A-102
Accelerated AI Algorithms for Data-Driven Discovery Institute (A3D3): Challenges and Opportunities for Optical Neural Network
Arka Majumdar, University of Washington
May 1 2023 - 12:00pm
INT: Beta decay matrix elements, strengths, and spectra with quantum Monte Carlo methods
Garrett King, Washington University - St. Louis
May 1 2023 - 11:00am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
Physics Department: Final Exam: The interplay between magnetism and electronic structure in topological materials 
Qianni Jiang (Advisor: Jiun-Haw Chu), University of Washington
May 1 2023 - 10:30am PAT C-520
INT: Standard Model corrections to Fermi transitions in light nuclei
Michael Gennari, TRIUMF
May 1 2023 - 9:30am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
Physics Department: Final Exam: Quantum Simulation Algorithms with Applications to Quantum Error Correction and Topological Data Analysis
Abhishek Rajput (Advisors: Martin Savage and Nathan Wiebe), University of Washington
Apr 28 2023 - 11:30am Virtual
Thouless Institute for Quantum Matter: Probing quantum dynamics with strongly driven ultracold atoms
David Weld, UC Santa Barbara
Apr 27 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm C520
INT: S@INT Seminar: "Inelastic Reactions on a Quantum Computer"
Gautam Rupak - Mississippi State University
Apr 27 2023 - 10:30am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
Other Events: QIS in Physics: Floquet Codes
Matt Hastings, University of Washington & Microsoft
Apr 25 2023 - 1:30pm PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: Local quantum probes of quantum matter
Amir Yacoby, Harvard
Apr 24 2023 - 4:00pm PAA A-102
Physics Department: General Exam
Ellis Thompson (Advisor: Matthew Yankowitz), University of Washington
Apr 24 2023 - 11:00am PAB B-421
Thouless Institute for Quantum Matter: A solvable model of feature learning
Andrey Gromov, University of Maryland
Apr 20 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm PAB B421
Physics Department: Virtual Session for Admitted Students & Families
Physics Student Services
Apr 18 2023 - 4:00pm to 4:30pm Zoom (See description for more information)
Other Events: QIS in Physics: Quantum Networks: Complexity and Coherence
Charles Marcus, University of Washington
Apr 18 2023 - 1:30pm PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: Quantum Materials: A View from the Lattice
Joe Checkelsky, MIT
Apr 17 2023 - 4:00pm PAA A-102
Physics Department: Society of Physics Students Zone 17 Meeting Apr 14 2023 - 4:00pm to Apr 15 2023 - 4:00pm PAT C-520 / C-108
Thouless Institute for Quantum Matter: Gate-tunable heavy fermions in a moiré Kondo lattice
Wenjin Zhao, Cornell University
Apr 13 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm PAB 421
InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS): Efficient Adaptive Variational Quantum Algorithms
Sophia Economou, Virginia Tech
Apr 12 2023 - 1:30pm PAT C-520
INT: S@INT Seminar: "QCD Factorization: matching hadrons to quarks and gluons with controllable approximations"
Jianwei Qiu - Jefferson Lab
Apr 11 2023 - 10:30am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
Physics Colloquia: Bosonic Quantum Information Processing
Liang Jiang, University of Chicago
Apr 10 2023 - 4:00pm PAA A-102
INT: INT Workshop - Tensor Networks in Many Body and Quantum Field Theory Apr 7 2023 - 9:30am PAT C520, PAT C607 (see schedule)
Elementary Particle Experiment (EPE): The ups and downs of the flavor anomalies at LHCb
Manuel Franco Sevilla, University of Maryland
Apr 6 2023 - 3:30pm PAT C-421
Thouless Institute for Quantum Matter: Extraordinary in-plane magnetoresistance in twisted double bilayer graphene
Joshua Folk, University of British Columbia
Apr 6 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm PAB B421
INT: INT Workshop - Tensor Networks in Many Body and Quantum Field Theory Apr 6 2023 - 9:30am PAT C520, PAT C607 (see schedule)
InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS): Loop-string-hadron formulation of an SU(3) gauge theory with dynamical quarks
Jesse Stryker, University of Maryland
Apr 5 2023 - 1:00pm PAT C-520
INT: INT Workshop - Tensor Networks in Many Body and Quantum Field Theory Apr 5 2023 - 9:30am PAT C520, PAT C607 (see schedule)
Elementary Particle Experiment (EPE): Searching for long-lived particles at the LHC
Cristiano Alpigiani, University of Washington
Apr 4 2023 - 4:30pm PAT C-421
INT: Seminar: "Exact lattice anomalies and a possible path to lattice chiral gauge theories"
Simon Catterall - Syracuse University
Apr 4 2023 - 1:00pm PAT C421
INT: INT Workshop - Tensor Networks in Many Body and Quantum Field Theory Apr 4 2023 - 9:30am PAT C520, PAT C607 (see schedule)
Physics Colloquia: The fine structure of quantum spin ice 
Chris Laumann, Boston University
Apr 3 2023 - 4:00pm PAA A-102
INT: INT Workshop - Tensor Networks in Many Body and Quantum Field Theory Apr 3 2023 - 9:30am PAT C520, PAT C607 (see schedule)
INT: S@INT Seminar: "Uncertainties and Constraints for neutrino opacities in core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers"
Zidu Lin - University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Mar 30 2023 - 10:30am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
Other Events: University Faculty Lecture: Rocking the world of physics
David Hertzog, University of Washington
Mar 29 2023 - 5:30pm HUB Lyceum (Livestream in description)
InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS): Neural Error Mitigation of Near-Term Quantum Simulations
Elizabeth Bennewitz, UMD
Mar 29 2023 - 1:30pm PAT C-520 ( )
Thouless Institute for Quantum Matter: Novel Measures of Quantum Correlations Using Nonlinear THz Response
Peter Armitage, Johns Hopkins University
Mar 28 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm PAB 421
Physics Colloquia: On Ising’s Model of Ferromagnetism
Peter Armitage, Johns Hopkins University
Mar 27 2023 - 4:00pm PAA A-102
INT: INT Hybrid Workshop - Accessing and Understanding the QCD Spectra Mar 24 2023 - 9:00am PAT C-520
INT: INT Hybrid Workshop - Accessing and Understanding the QCD Spectra Mar 23 2023 - 9:00am PAT C-520
INT: INT Hybrid Workshop - Accessing and Understanding the QCD Spectra Mar 22 2023 - 9:00am PAT C-520
INT: INT Hybrid Workshop - Accessing and Understanding the QCD Spectra Mar 21 2023 - 9:00am PAT C-520
INT: INT Hybrid Workshop - Accessing and Understanding the QCD Spectra Mar 20 2023 - 9:00am PAT C-520
InQubator for Quantum Simulation (IQuS): Implementing a Z2 Lattice Gauge Theory in a Digital Quantum Simulator
Julius Mildenberger, University of Trento
Mar 16 2023 - 3:30pm PAT C-520 (Zoom:
INT: S@INT Seminar: "Tight Symmetry Energy Parameter Constraints from Neutron Skin Measurements"
James Lattimer - Stony Brook University
Mar 14 2023 - 10:30am PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)
Physics Department: Final Exam: Results from a 3.1 kg day Target Exposure with Skipper CCDs from DAMIC at SNOLAB and other Beyond the Standard Model Searches with Semiconductor Detectors 
Alexander Piers (Advisor: Alvaro Chavarria), University of Washington
Mar 10 2023 - 4:00pm NPL 178
INT: INT Workshop - Topological Phases of Matter: From Low to High Energy Mar 10 2023 - 9:30am PAT C520, C607
INT: INT Workshop - Topological Phases of Matter: From Low to High Energy Mar 9 2023 - 9:30am PAT C520, C607

