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Events Archive

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Title/Speaker Date and Time Location
Physics Department: General Exam
Nick Du (Advisor: Leslie Rosenberg), University of Washington
Mar 13 2020 - 2:30pm NPL 178
Physics Department: Final Exam: A Fourier-Bessel Test of the Gravitational Inverse-Square Law
John G. Lee (Advisors: Blayne Heckel and Eric G Adelberger), University of Washington
Mar 10 2020 - 1:00pm NPL 178
Physics Colloquia: Neural network-like collective dynamics in molecules
Arvind Murugan
Mar 9 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
INT: INT S@INT Seminar: "From two to three-body systems in lattice QCD"  
Ruairí Brett, The George Washington University
Mar 5 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
INT: Quantum Simulation Seminar Series: "Improving qubit Hamiltonian encodings with the gray code"
Olivia Di Matteo, TRIUMF
Mar 2 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
INT: INT S@INT Seminar: "Delineating the properties of neutron star matter in cold, dense QCD"
Toru Kojo, Central China Normal University
Feb 27 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: The Search for Topological Phases of Matter
Ashley Cook, UC Berkeley
Feb 26 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
Physics Colloquia: Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers: The PHYS21 Report
Paula Heron
Feb 24 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: INT S@INT Seminar: Conformal spacelike-timelike correspondence in QCD
Alfred Mueller, Columbia University
Feb 20 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C421
ABC Physics (Atomic/Bio/Condensed Matter): Probing Nontrivial Topology in Van der Waals Crystals
Ken Burch (Boston College)
Feb 20 2020 - 12:30pm PAT C-520
Physics Colloquia: New Physics at the Precision Frontier
Ken Van Tilburg, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB
Feb 19 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: Quantum Simulation Seminar Series: "Quantum simulations with trapped ions"
Jiehang Zhang, New York University
Feb 18 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C421
Astronomy: Imaging Black Holes: Beyond the Shadow
Jason Dexter, University of Colorado Boulder
Feb 13 2020 - 3:45pm PAA A-102
ABC Physics (Atomic/Bio/Condensed Matter): Correlation-enhanced electron-phonon interaction in oxide superconductors
Zhenglu Li, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and University of California at Berkeley
Feb 13 2020 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm PAT C-520
Physics Colloquia: Searching for New Physics Across the Spectra
Masha Baryakhtar, NYU
Feb 12 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
Physics Department: Imaging and time-stamping optical photons with nanosecond resolution
Dr. Andrei Nomerotski, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Feb 11 2020 - 2:00pm PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: Many-Body Quantum Chaos: an Entanglement Perspective
Laimei Nie, Chicago
Feb 10 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: S@INT Seminar: "Exact representations of many body interactions from Restricted Boltzmann Machine neural networks"
Ermal Rrapaj, University of Berkeley - University of Minnesota
Feb 6 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
INT: “Decaying Dark Matter and Searches for the Cosmic Neutrino Background”
David McKeen, TRIUMF
Feb 6 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: Many Body Effects of Chiral Edge Fermions
Biao Lian, Princeton
Feb 5 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: "Multi-angle quantum many body collective neutrino flavor oscillation"
Ermal Rrapaj, University of Berkeley - University of Minnesota
Feb 5 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-423
CENPA: Gravitational searches for compact dark matter objects
Chuck Horowitz (Indiana University)
Feb 4 2020 - 3:45pm NPL 178
INT: Quantum Simulation Seminar Series: "Using post-supremacy quantum devices for practical applications" 
Jarrod McClean, Google Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab
Feb 4 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
INT: "Neutrino signatures of supernova density features"
Payel Mukhopadhyay, Stanford University
Feb 4 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: A Black Hole Perspective on Fundamental Physics: Conformal Field Theory, Quantum Chaos, and Quantum Information
Alex Maloney, McGill
Feb 3 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: "Fast neutrino oscillations: ELN crossing, dispersion relation, and dynamic waves”
Huaiyu Duan,University of New Mexico
Feb 3 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-423
INT: "Neutrino interactions in Supernovae and in the laboratory"
Charles J. Horowitz, Indiana University
Feb 3 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-421
INT: Workshop: Neutrinos from the Lab to the Cosmos
See link in Event Info
Jan 31 2020 - 9:15am PAT C-520
INT: Workshop:  Neutrinos from the Lab to the Cosmos
See link in Event Info
Jan 30 2020 - 9:15am PAT C-520
Physics Colloquia: Searching for the invisible: how dark forces shape our Universe
Katelin Schutz, MIT
Jan 29 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: Workshop:  Neutrinos from the Lab to the Cosmos
See link in Event Info
Jan 29 2020 - 9:15am PAT C-520
Physics Department: General Exam: Isolating Single Donor Qubits in ZnO
Maria L Viitaniemi (Advisor: Fu, Kai-Mei)
Jan 28 2020 - 11:00am MoIES215
INT: Workshop:  Neutrinos from the Lab to the Cosmos
See link in Event Info
Jan 28 2020 - 9:15am PAT C-520
Physics Colloquia: Symmetry indicators for topological materials
Hoi Chun (Adrian) Po, MIT
Jan 27 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: Quantum Simulation Seminar Series: "Simulating physical models on a trapped-ion quantum computer"
Norbert M. Linke, Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland
Jan 27 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
Physics Department: General Exam: Giant Tunneling Magnetoresistance in van der Waals Layered Antiferromagnet
Tiancheng Song (Advisor: Xiaodong Xu)
Jan 27 2020 - 10:00am PAT C421
INT: Workshop: Neutrinos from the Lab to the Cosmos
See link in Event Info
Jan 27 2020 - 9:15am PAT C-520
INT: "Exciting Prospects for Detecting Late-Time Neutrinos from Core-Collapse Supernovae"
Shirley Li, SLAC
Jan 24 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-421
INT: INT S@INT Seminar: "Fermionic Sign Problem: an exaggerated myth"
Nikolay Prokofiev, University of Massachusetts
Jan 23 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-421
Physics Colloquia: Dynamical quantum materials
Mark Rudner, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Jan 22 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: "Primordial gravitational waves as signature of neutrino and dark-matter genesis during a phase transition"
Pasquale Di Bari, University of Southampton
Jan 22 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-421
INT: "Complementarity between terrestrial oscillation experiments and cosmological/astrophysical determinations of sterile neutrino properties"
Jeffrey Berryman, Virginia Tech
Jan 21 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-423
INT: "On Lepton number violation at Colliders, or On the neutrino species in cosmology"
Wai-Yee Keung, University of Illinois at Chicago
Jan 21 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-421
Physics Department: TIQM Inaugural Workshop
Multiple Speakers
Jan 20 2020 - 9:00am to 6:00pm PAA A-102
Physics Department: TIQM Inaugural Workshop
Multiple Speakers
Jan 19 2020 - 9:00am to 6:00pm PAA A-102
Physics Department: TIQM Inaugural Workshop
Multiple Speakers
Jan 18 2020 - 9:00am to 6:00pm PAA A-102
INT: "Neutrino oscillation phenomenology Charged-lepton flavor violation Neutrino mass models"
Andre de Gouvea, Northwestern University
Jan 17 2020 - 10:30am PAT C-421
CENPA: Looking for Majorana in All the Wrong Places
André de Gouvêa, Northwestern University
Jan 16 2020 - 3:45pm NPL 178
Physics Colloquia: String Theoretic Illuminations of Moonshine
Natalie Paquette, Caltech
Jan 15 2020 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm PAA102
INT: "Searches for new neutrino physics at long-baseline experiments"
Kevin Kelly, Fermilab
Jan 15 2020 - 2:30pm PAT C-423

