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Revisiting Standard-Model-induced EDMs

Maxim Pospelov, University of Minnesota
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - 3:00pm
PAT C-421

I review the SM-induced EDMs, namely the contributions from the QCD theta term and the Kobayashi-Maskawa phase. I concentrate on the electron-spin-dependent EDMs, which saw more than two orders of magnitude progress in the last two decades. I will try to convince you that although quite small, the result is much larger than previously believed. I will finish the talk with technical remarks on the non-perturbative aspects of neutron EDM calculations from the theta term, which proves to be a particular challenge for lattice gauge theories. I will argue that many choices of the lattice current are not suitable for the EDM calculations, as they explicitly break U(1)_A in the limit of massless quarks. 

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