The structure and dynamics of nuclear systems are intricately linked -- a fact that motivates, where possible, microscopic models that can treat multiple phenomena on the same footing. Thanks to ever-increasing computational power and continued advancement in theoretical methods, fully self-consistent pictures of atomic nuclei are more accessible than ever. While not an exhaustive list, more predictive theories and scalable systematic investigations of light and heavy-ion reactions, excitations of nuclei, and decays like nuclear fission have all seen impressive growth in recent years. To fully capitalize on these advancements in modelling it is also important to consider novel data analysis techniques and how predictions with quantified uncertainties fit into the larger theory-experiment cycle of discovery. I will also highlight how embracing novel computational paradigms like machine learning and cloud computing, in addition to enabling further progress in the field, can serve to lower the barriers for broader engagement in nuclear science at all levels.
This event will take place in the INT seminar room (C-421). All interested graduate students and faculty are invited to attend.