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Spin waves meet superconductivity

Nick Poniatowski, Harvard University
Thursday, August 10, 2023 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
PAB 421

Spin triplet superconductors are among the most exotic of quantum materials, featuring a rich phenomenology including topological surface states, fractional vortices, and re-entrant superconducting phases. Fundamentally, spin triplet condensates are distinguished from their conventional spin singlet counterparts by the fact that they carry non-trivial spin quantum numbers, and are in a sense "magnetically ordered." As a consequence, the superfluid and spin dynamics of a triplet condensate are intertwined, and their interplay can lead to new phenomena. In this talk, I will discuss several aspects of the dynamics of spin triplet superconductors, largely focused on the role of order parameter collective modes analogous to spin waves in conventional magnets. This will include the electrodynamic response of intrinsic triplet superconductors and their ability to host surface-localized spin waves, as well as how similar modes can be realized synthetically in proximity-coupled heterostructures. I will also discuss how these collective excitations may be relevant to understanding the recently discovered triplet superconductivity in van der Waals heterostructures.   

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