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Generalized hydrodynamics, local prethermalization, and hydrodynamization in ultracold 1D gases

Marcos Rigol, Penn State
Wednesday, November 30, 2022 - 1:30pm
PAT C520 &

Experiments with nearly-integrable ultracold 1D gases have probed dynamics involving large distances and long times, testing the recently proposed theory of generalized hydrodynamics [1]. Using “high-energy” quenches implemented via a Bragg scattering pulse, the experiments have also unveiled equilibration at the shortest available time scales, a process known as hydrodynamization in the context of relativistic heavy-ion collisions, which precedes local prethermalization [2]. I will summarize theoretical progress  over the last 15 years on the quantum dynamics of nearly-integrable systems that allows us to understand the experimental observations, as well as to carry out high-precision calculations to quantitatively describe the experimental results. For hydrodynamization, I’ll argue that near-integrability provides a theoretical framework from which one can draw a general picture that applies to nonintegrable systems.

1] N. Malvania, Y. Zhang, Y. Le, J. Dubail, MR, and D. S. Weiss, Generalized hydrodynamics in strongly interacting 1D Bose gases, Science 373, 1129 (2021).
[2] Y. Le, Y. Zhang, S. Gopalakrishnan, MR, and D. S. Weiss, Direct observation of hydrodynamization and local prethermalization, arXiv:2210.07318
