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S@INT Seminar: "Diquark-induced Short-Range Correlations and Hidden-Color Singlets in Nuclear Wavefunctions"

Jennifer Rittenhouse West - Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 - 10:30am
PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)

A diquark bond formed from valence quarks across a nucleon-nucleon pair has been proposed as the fundamental quantum chromodynamics (QCD) physics causing short-range correlations (SRC) in nuclei. SRC nucleon-nucleon pairs and the nucleon shell model are the basis for most of nuclear structure, with SRC accounting for 20% of the nucleons in a nucleus. While SRC have been extensively studied both experimentally and theoretically, notably by the CLAS collaboration in recent years, their underlying cause at the QCD level has remained a mystery. The diquark formation model, if shown to be the cause of SRC, represents a breakdown of the assumption of scale separation in effective field theories. Rather than a boundary between scales, however fuzzy and broad, a case is made in this work for diquark formation as a direct breakthrough of the underlying theory, capturing 20% of the physics of nuclear structure and causing the distortion of structure functions as observed in the EMC effect. Diquark based hidden-color singlets in nuclear wavefunctions are also discussed, in particular the "hexadiquark" Fock state in helium-4.

The speaker for this event will lead the meeting remotely. All interested graduate students and faculty are invited to attend by convening in the INT Seminar Room (C-421).

Participants are also welcome to join via Zoom. Zoom link will be available via announcement email, or by contacting: gsj6[at] or prau[at]

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