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S@INT Seminar: "Extracting the Diffusivity and Chemistry of the QGP"

Scott Pratt - Michigan State University
Tuesday, March 8, 2022 - 10:30am
PAT C-421 (participants are welcome to join via Zoom as well)

The QGP has several remarkable properties, among them being the liberation of quark degrees of freedom and its strongly interacting nature. Both these properties can be extracted from charge correlation observables measured in heavy ion collisions, known as charge-balance functions. I will detail how correlations related to charge conservation can be exploited to constrain both the diffusivity and chemistry of the matter created in heavy ion collisions and compare the results to lattice calculations for equilibrated matter. In particular I will explain how state-of-the-art dynamical models have been extended to describe the evolution of two-point charge correlations.

This event will take place in the INT seminar room (C-421). All interested graduate students and faculty are invited to attend.

Participants are also welcome to join via Zoom. Zoom link will be available via announcement email, or by contacting: amccoy10[at] or gsj6[at]

Event Type: 