In order to study complex quantum many-body systems, a vigorous program has formed in recent years to take advantage of opportunities in quantum simulation and quantum computation, building upon the vision of Richard Feynman. Such activities have also started in nuclear physics, hoping to bring new and powerful experimental and computational tools to address a range of challenging problems in strongly-interacting nuclear many-body systems. With the ultimate goal of simulating strong dynamics of quarks and gluons at the heart of the matter in and out of equilibrium, significant progress has been made in theoretical and algorithmic developments for, and hardware implementation of, a number of quantum field theories and lattice gauge theories in recent years. In this talk, I introduce analog, digital, and hybrid analog-digital approaches to the simulation of quantum field theories, along with a few illustrative examples. I will further comment on the prospect of co-development of "quantum" tools and hardware for simulating quantum chromodynamics.
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