The INT wants to start a series of remote seminars. Please join us for a remote seminar to be presented by Neill Warrington, on Thursday, March 26th at 2 PM Seattle time. This first seminar will be internal to the INT and is meant to serve as a test run for a larger, global program. We will endeavor to find speakers from elsewhere in the US as well as abroad, covering a wide range of topics of interest to the INT.
The proposed format is similar to the S@INT seminars - a 1-hour time slot during which a speaker presents for about 40 minutes and the audience may ask questions at any time.
Title:Taming Noisy Observables with Deformed Path Integrals
Signal-to-noise problems often afflict Monte Carlo studies of quantum field theories. In this talk, we present a new method for taming signal-to-noise problems which utilizes path integral contour deformation techniques. Central to the method is Cauchy's integral theorem, which guarantees that expectation values of observables are unaffected by contour deformations while noise is reduced. After a general discussion, we apply this method to two simple theories, demonstrating that noise can be reduced by orders of magnitude without modifying Monte Carlo sampling.
About these COVID seminars:
The protocol will be as follows: There will be a moderator who is able to mute and unmute audience members. All audience members will be muted upon entry. They may then raise their hands (a Zoom feature). The moderator will interrupt the speaker and unmute the relevant audience member. Audience members may also submit questions in writing to the moderator (via Zoom chat) who will present the question to the speaker and may do so keeping the questioner anonymous.
In the future, we hope to:
- follow the 1-hour seminar slot with a 10-15 min break followed by a more informal discussion with the speaker which is meant to mimic the opportunity one usually has for informal discussions with visiting speakers.
- hold the seminar at 8 AM Pacific standard time in order to make it possible for colleagues from other time zones to attend. We realize this restricts access in the far east and suggest possibly recording the seminars.
- set up a page on the INT website. The page will advertise upcoming speakers, provide relevant information like links to the Zoom meeting and protocols, perhaps host recordings.
We are open to suggestions and comments and hope you will help us streamline this process and look forward to some spectacular talks from around the world!
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