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Majorana zero modes: a new kind of ‘particle’, and where it can be found

Charlie Marcus (UCPH and Microsoft)
Monday, October 14, 2019 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
PAA 102

Physics Colloquium

Title: Majorana zero modes: a new kind of ‘particle’, and where it can be found

Abstract: This colloquium will present the idea of particles with non-abelian statistics and give an example that seems to occur in nature, the Majorana zero mode. “In nature” as used here means in man-made one-dimensional hybrid material structures near absolute zero, as natural an environment as any! The relevance of Majorana modes to quantum computing will be addressed, and plans for a topological quantum computer based on Majorana zero modes, now under development at Microsoft, will be presented.

Panopto link.

Event Type: 