Ibrahim Cissé, MIT
Monday, April 24, 2017 - 4:00pm to 5:00pm
PAA A-102
Transcription is the first step in the so-called “central dogma” of biology, when the
genetic information that we inherit from our parents in the form of DNA is decoded and
copied into messenger RNA transcripts. Despite its fundamental importance, how this
basic process occurs in our living cells remains poorly understood. In complex
organisms like humans, transcription is believed to rely on fast local crowding of the
relevant enzymes to regulate gene expression. But capturing these rapidly changing, so
called ‘weak and transient’ interactions requires novel, unconventional methods of
microscopy. Here, I will present on our efforts to achieve single-molecule resolution
imaging directly inside living cells and the recent discoveries from my laboratory in
capturing cooperative behaviors that emerge during transcription.
Watch a video of the talk here. (Sorry, no slides.)