For the health and safety of all, everyone working in the Student Shop must now fully disinfect his or her workstation before and after every use.
Good housekeeping is always required for shop safety. Slip, fall, and cut hazards are present in every machine shop. Therefore, we have always asked Student Shop users to be mindful and leave the workstations cleaner and neater than they found them.
Please remember to wash your hands in one of the restrooms just outside before entering the Student Shop. From now on, make sure to follow all of these steps carefully while working in the Student Shop:
- Start by signing in on the Student Shop log clipboard and thoroughly cleaning your workstation. This refers to the machine tool (mill, lathe, etc.), the workbench, and surrounding area.
- A good cleaning includes removal of all clutter. Cutting tools, random fasteners, scrap material, and literally, everything else has a place, even if it is the garbage.
- If someone left clutter at your workstation and you are not sure, what it is or where it belongs, you can ask your shop-mates. If you still do not know, place it in the Lost and Found Box near the chalkboard.
- Free of clutter, you can now properly clean. Start high, with a large brush or fox-tail hand broom, clearing chips and debris from upper surfaces and ledges, all the way down to the most bottom surfaces of mill pedestal, lathe chip bed, etc.
- Once free of chips and large debris, remove oil and smaller debris with pink de-greaser spray and paper wipes on whatever critical surfaces you have. Such as milling machining table, lathe ways, lathe chuck, tool, compound, and all the handles and levers.
- Now make sure to use the designated disinfectant spray and paper wipes, but this time we will disinfect the critical surfaces that we just cleaned.
- After you have performed your work. Brush sweep up your chips, clean, return tools, and reorganize any mess you have made.
- Finally, we need only to repeat Step Five and Step Six, the de-greasing spray and paper wiping. Then sign out on the Student Shop Log.
If you have any questions about this, or any other Student Shop policy, please contact Jeremy Prickett, Student Shop Instructor at or Bob Scott, Physics Machine Shop Manager at or (206)685-4266