Assistant Professor

Fields of Interest
Ph.D., Université de Grenoble, France, 2013
I am an experimental particle physicist, looking to find out what lies beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics. I am working on the ATLAS experiment at CERN where my research focuses on measurements in the electroweak sector using tau leptons. I am developing Machine Learning algorithms to advance the capabilities of ATLAS to detect and trigger with tau leptons. I am also involved in the design and prototyping of PIONEER, a next generation Rare Pion decay experiment. Before joining the University of Washington, I was a postdoctoral fellow at Stony Brook University and a research fellow at CERN.
Selected recent talks:
- Tau g-2 constraints from UPC data with ATLAS, TAU2023 plenary talk, Dec 6, 2023
- PIONEER: A next generation rare pion decay experiment, LPNHE Lab, Paris, Seminar, Nov 6, 2023
- What can we learn with tau leptons at the LHC? Seminar at Stony Brook University, Feb 1st, 2023
- Tau Leptons at ATLAS: UW EPE seminar, May 2021
- Dissecting the Higgs Boson with ATLAS and leptons: April 2019, BNL, Particle Physics Seminar